Musings on Digital Strategy


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If you don’t know where you are going – how can you get there?

There is a storm upon us  – the Digital Storm. The third industrial revolution.

After steam and electricity comes digital.

Vision is needed to lead us through the storm.

Without vision we have no strategy, and without strategy, there is no measurement.

And without measurement we are just hit and hope meandering wonderers.

Vision is a company’s narrative.

It is its story.

A story in which it is the hero who beats evil and wins the day.

Without narrative there is nothing.

It is imperative we tell stories.

Humans are programmed to see structure in everything – we connect up the dots where there are no dots, we see faces in the clouds, Jesus in burnt toast, the future in tealeaves.

Stories are what we are and what we are remembered as.

Strategy is a story clients can believe in – a narrative that is backed up by research, analysis and emotion.








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